Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dr. Myles Munroe And Family Killed In Plane Crash [Video]

Dr. Myles Munroe, along with his wife and daughter, died in a plane crash on Sunday, November 9, 2014. The small plane crashed into a crane as it was approaching the Grand Bahama Airport. Dr. Munroe and eight other passengers were on the Lear 36 jet which left the Lynden Pindling International Airport at 4:07 p.m. According to the Department of Civil Aviation, the aircraft crashed as it was making its landing.
Munroe, born in 1954, was the founder and president of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BMFI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI). BMFI, a non-profit company, is not a church but a Christian Growth and Resource Center which oversees a network of agencies and ministries which provide for the training, recruitment, development and release of spiritually sound, purpose-driven, confident and character-based individuals. These individuals are motivated to excel by their conscious responsibility to make the most of their inherent leadership potential.
Pastor Munroe was the president of the International Leadership Training Institute, the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the International Third World Leaders Association. He was also an internationally renowned teacher, leadership mentor, bestselling author, motivational speaker, life coach and government consultant. He has traveled extensively around the globe as a trainer for leaders in religion, business, education, government, media and sports.

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