Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kanye West Settles With The Paparazzi He Beatdown

Sometimes just a stretch of hand might save you from law suits and this could be the case  between Kanye West and the Photog he assaulted sometimes ago. We cannot tell authoritavely if the hand was empty or not but what will can assure you is that, it has doused the tension beyween these two.

Kanye West has settled the civil lawsuit filed by the photog he assaulted at LAX sometimes ago.
Kanye and Daniel Ramos shook hands as the case was put to bed. Kanye was criminally charged with misdemeanor battery and pled no contest. He's currently on probation.
According to the Paparazzi whose name is Ramos and his lawyer,  Gloria Allred, one term of the settlement was an apology from Kanye to Ramos. We don't know if any money changed hands.
Allred says, "We believe that this case sent an important message. Celebrities are not above the law, and they have no right to physically attack someone simply because they were asked a question."

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