Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Checkout The World’s Fastest Jet-Powered Truck.

The four-tonne vehicle generates 36,000 horsepower and can cover 400m (a quarter of a mile) in just 6.5 seconds.Owner Neal Darnell, 64, said: ‘It’s an awesome experience. You won’t believe it until you see it.’

Shockwave, which could outrun a Japanese bullet train, holds the world record for the fastest full-size truck at 605kmh (376mph).

Fitted with three Pratt & Whitney J34-48 engines taken from US Navy jets, each one produces 12,000 horsepower, prompting Mr Darnell to call Shockwave ‘the baddest, most impressive jet ground vehicle on the planet’.
It burns about 180 gallons (680 litres) of fuel in each performance.

Mr Darnell’s son, Chris, who also drives Shockwave, said: ‘On acceleration, the driver experiences about 6G. We stop it by using two 40cm ring slot military parachutes, which produce an impact of up to negative 9G. It is some ride.’

Mr Darnell bought the 30-year-old lorry in 2012 and races it at airshows in the US and Canada.


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